Tourismus statt Terrorismus?
Schewardnadse hat eine Vision fur das Pankisital

Der georgische Staatspräsident hat noch Visionen. Der überraschten Öffentlichkeit verkündete er im Februar des Jahres 2003, dass er das Pankisital von allen finsteren Elementen säubern wolle und verhieß dem Tal eine Zukunft als Zentrum des Tourismus. Die natürlichen Voraussetzungen dort seien so außerordentlich gut und das Tal so ungewöhnlich schön, dass er seinem Staatsvolk für die Zukunft ein völlig neues Paradies für Erholung und Freizeit in Aussicht stellte. Und den Kisten und Flüchtlingen aus Tschetschenien damit auch eine sichere Zukunft. Vor einem Jahr noch galt das Pankisital als Hort der Al Qaida und musste sogar in öffentlichen Reden George W. Bushs als Begründung dafür herhalten, dass er seinem georgischen Partner ein Ausbildungsprogramm für Spezialeinheiten zum Preis für 64 Millionen US-$ zukommen ließ.

Und jetzt spricht der georgische Präsident bereits vom Aufbau einer neuen touristischen Destination im Kaukasus? Bis zu diesem Zustand einer blühenden Landschaft haben er und seine Sicherheitsorgane noch eine ganze Menge harter Arbeit vor sich. In der vergangenen Woche erst wurde einer Gruppe von georgischen Kick-Boxern die Reise ins Pankisi-Dorf Duisi verweigert, wo sie zusammen mit einheimischen und tschetschenischen Sportlern das Kickbox-Turnier „Stars des Kaukasus“ austragen wollten. So machten Kisten und Tschetschenen die Suche nach dem kaukasischen Superstar der fernasiatischen Kampfsportart im Kulturhaus von Duisi unter sich alleine aus.

Am vergangenen Wochenende begann eine neue Operation der georgischen Sicherheitskräfte im Pankisital, wo man einerseits noch einige verbliebene tschetschenische Rebellen, andererseits aber auch jede Menge georgischer Krimineller vermutet. Schewardnadse erklärte, dass Georgien Flüchtlinge zweifelsohne aufnehme, aber zusammen mit den Geheimdiensten Russlands und Amerikas jeden Kämpfer ausweisen werde, der sich als Flüchtling tarne. Insbesondere wird es auch darum gehen, nach der Schneeschmelze die Grenze nach Tschetschenen abzuriegeln und den in den letzten Jahren ungehinderten kleinen tschetschenischen Grenzverkehr zu unterbinden. Dafür wird Georgien allerdings auch auf die Hilfe der russischen Grenzbehörden angewiesen sein. Man weiß nämlich in Kaukasus, dass es für jede Dienstleistung einer Behörde, auch für das Wegsehen oder Augen verschließen, einen festen Tarif gibt.

Im Pankisital leben nach einer Information des georgischen Ministeriums für Staatssischerheit derzeit rund 7.500 Kisten, das sind georgische Staastsbürger tschetschenischer Abstammung, 1.500 ethnische Georgier, 200 Osseten, 4.500 Flüchtlinge aus Tschetschenien, 100 Araber und ein paar Dutzend Kabardiner und Karachaier. Von den mehreren Hundert tschetschenischen Widerstandskämpfern und arabischen Söldnern hätten während der Operationen der georgischen Sicherheitskräfte im vergangenen Herbst rund 90 % das Tal mehr oder weniger freiwillig verlassen, die meisten in Richtung Tschetschenien.


Japanese journalist who has visited Pankisi and Kodori to name
Georgian power structures as organizers of the raid of Gelaev's
Tbilisi, February 28 (Prime-News) - Japanese journalist Kosuke
Tsuneoka, who accompanied Gelaev's crew during their raid in
Abkhazia in July of 2001, confirmed that Georgian army's trucks
gave him a ride from Pankisi to Western Georgia together with
Chechen gunmen.
Newspaper "24 Hours" published memories and photo slides of
Muslim Japanese journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka, 34, from Pankisi and
Kodori valleys, where he was stationed in June-December of 2001.
Japanese journalist deals with secret agreement between Georgia
and Gelaev, according to which, if Chechen crew penetrated to
Abkhazia, they would be aided with weapons and products.
Tsuneoka recalls that primarily warriors were told as if they
were moving to Chechnya, however afterwards they appeared in
He recalls Ruslan Gelaev as Defense Minister of Chechnya in his
report published in newspaper "24 Hour", who holds the largest
armed crew (apprx. 600 persons) in Pankisi valley. According to
Tsuneoka, the most powerful military alignment of Pankisi was
member of Gelaev's alignment - Arman Baraev's group. Journalist
attended trainings of Chechens in Pankisi as well.
According to his personal evaluation, there are no members of
"Al-Qaeda" in Pankisi; on the contrary, some warriors alleged
that Osama Ben Laden does not help them.
According to the newspaper, Japanese journalist returning to
Pankisi on December 7 of 2001, together with Ruslan Gelaev after
ineffective raid in Kodori, was given a ride from Pankisi valley
to Tbilisi by special services and later he was delivered to
representatives of Japanese Embassy in Azerbaijan.

Georgia to possibly deliver Chechen refugees to third countries
Tbilisi, February 28 (Prime-News) - Georgian authorities to
discuss possibility of Chechen refugees' deliver to third
countries, Secretary of National Security Council Tedo Japaridze
declared at the briefing conducted on Friday.
According to him, various versions are worked on, however
specific official proposals from foreign Governments have not
been fixed so far.
He stated that there is non-official information over the
readiness of Canada, U.S. and other states to admit particular
number of Chechen refugees' families from Pankisi valley.
Representatives of Chechen Diaspora declared that Canada is
ready to provide shelter to 94 families of Chechen refugees
stationed in Pankisi valley.
More than 4 thousand Chechen refugees are present in Pankisi
valley today, who started arriving to Georgia in 1999.

National Security Council to discuss the draft of second stage
of anti-terrorist and anti-criminal special operations in
Pankisi valley
Tbilisi, February 28 (Prime-News) - National Security Council of
Georgia will discuss the draft of second stage of anti-terrorist
and anti-criminal operations in Pankisi valley on Friday.
President should ratify the efficient plan of above-mentioned
activities at Security Council session, which is being held at
the State Chancellery behind the closed doors for more than an
hour now.
According to the plan, Defense Ministry as well as Interior
Ministry should deploy one's forces to Pankisi valley.
Security Minister Valeri Khaburdzania will present the plan.
Interior Minister Koba Narchemashvili told journalists that
above-mentioned activities would start in the spring and last up
until it is necessary.
According to him, these events are related to Russian-Chechen
"There is specific information which drove necessity to conduct
similar prophylactic activities, in order to prevent any kind of
misunderstanding", Narchemashvili stated.
Secretary of National Security Council Tedo Japaridze declared
last week that inter-department group with the composition of
the leaders has developed the efficient plan of second stage of
anti-criminal and anti-terrorist activities.
According to Tedo Japaridze, activation of special operations
and the start of second stage were driven by the information
over Chechen field commander Ruslan Gelaev's possible
penetration to Pankisi valley together with his crew and other
armed alignments.
Powers of State Department of State Border Defense, Interior
Ministry, Security and Defense Ministries will participate in
special operations.
Foreign Minister Irakli Menagarishvili told journalists that the
event is to be conducted solely by means of Georgian forces.
Exclusively operative co-operation will be implemented with
foreign special services, as long as the deals are not only over
local criminals, but also those individuals who are likely to
have contacts with international terrorist organizations, or
might appear in Georgia in future.

New stage of special operation to start in Pankisi valley on
Tbilisi, February 28 (Prime-News) - President of Georgia Eduard
Shevardnadze ratified the draft of second stage of anti-criminal
and anti-terrorist operations after "driving slight changes to
it" at Security Council session on Friday.
Secretary of National Security Council Tedo Japaridze declared
about this at the briefing conducted after Security Council
According to him, ratification of the plan is the start of
second stage of special operations.
Tedo Japaridze stated that Pankisi problem should finally be
resolved this time.
According to his information, each forceful structure of Georgia
will be involved in above-mentioned activities, which are aimed
to eliminate gunmen's attempts to return to Pankisi valley.
According to him, neither field commander of Chechnya Ruslan
Gelaev nor Chechen crews is stationed in the valley at the
He did not exclude to transmit additional forces to the valley
in case of necessity.
As to Prime-News question, whether it is proficient to use each
power structure in the valley, if there are no gunmen in Pankisi
at this point, Secretary of National Security Council declared
that forces would be used in order to "avoid expected danger".
Anti-terrorist and anti-criminal operations started in last
August in Pankisi valley. Hundreds of gunmen and hired Arab
warriors were stationed in the region prior to this process, and
they were forced to leave the valley.

Kickboxing tournament to be held in Pankisi valley with
participation of Chechen refugees
Tbilisi, February 28 (Prime-News) - Kickboxing tournament
"Caucasian stars" will be held in culture house of village Duisi
in Pankisi valley with participation of Georgian sportsmen and
Chechen refugees.
President of Georgian Kickboxing Federation Gocha Javakhia told
Prime-News that security of participants and the audience would
be ensured on the basis of special decree of Interior and
Security Ministers of Georgia.
According to him, around 30 sportsmen will participate in
tournament, including 12 Chechen refugees and several local
Gocha Javakhia believes that conduct of sport events in Pankisi
valley has a political sense as well.
Georgian Kickboxing Federation was founded in 1993 and it unites
more than 2000 sportsmen today. Georgia has accomplished
worldwide success in team championship of above-mentioned sport
category in 2000 and 2001.

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